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NearBeach November 2024 Goals

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Count of Bugs

Information Updated On: March 05, 2025

Current: 8

Scheduled: 4

Release: 0

Blocked: 0

Code Coverage Backend: 65%

Code Coverage Frontend: 28%

Current Release

0.31.63 on 5th of March, 2025

New Features

Card-385 - Slightly different visuals for each object

Users will need to quickly differentiate what type of object they are looking at with a quick glance. Slighltly different designs, indicating which object the user is currently viewing, will greatly help at this task. We will implement slightly different designs on each object.


Code Improvements

Card-434 - Mixins no longer recommended. Please move to composables

As languages and code bases evolve, new and improved features and functionality are implemented. This has happend with VueJS, where mixins are no longer the preferred approach for code re-usage between components. The new method is composables, and implementing this will future proof NearBeach's code. The mixins will be removed and replaced with the new composable codebase.


DeepSource Code Improvements

Bad code can make it really hard for new users to understand and submit new features and fixes. We are currently using DeepSource to scan the code base to find these particular code smells. Once these code smells have been identified, we will refactor that section of code.



Card-317 - Document how to install NearBeach with existing project

A number of potential users have tried to install NearBeach next to their own existing projects. This is amazing and we are hoping this encourages people to extend NearBeach's functionality in the near future. We will update the documentation to make it a lot easier for everyone to install NearBeach next to their own projects.


The Usual Monthly Ongoing Tasks