NearBeach Logo


Why become a sponsor?

We believe we can create a suite of open source tools that can help propel your project from an idea to completion. Currently we are in the middle of developing NearBeach, an open source project management system. However we don't want to stop there. We want to bring you open source tools like;

and many many more. We just have too many ideas at the moment.

We want to support the community with the open source and free tools we build. Sponsoring us will give us the oportunity to help bring in more developers and designers.

How to sponsor NearBeach

Currently NearBeach has two main sources of sponsorship

Any dontations on our twitch stream will also go towards NearBeach

Where does the money currently go?

Currently NearBeach has a little overhead in running costs. We are lucky enough to state all donations are currently fulfilling these costs. A detailed list of items are disclosed to our sponsors.

We are currently saving money to hire someone to help with our UI/UX of NearBeach.